Welcome, Guard and Reserve Members!

We are so glad you are joining the KU community! Located in 345 Summerfield, we are your centralized resource and offer study and meeting spaces, computers, CAC readers, a 24-7 lounge, dedicated staff to provide support tailored to all military-affiliated students, and more.

Transitioning to KU

These tools can help you in your decision-making process.

Undergraduate students
  • Apply to KU (Note: ACT/SAT scores are NOT needed.) We offer undergraduate application fee waivers for Guard/Reservists who apply as degree-seeking students.
  • KU awards some college credit for military courses. Visit the Credit for Prior Learning page and look for the “military service credit” section for more details.
    • To get credit for military courses, if you list your military affiliation and include your SSN on your KU application, we will order a copy of your military transcripts from the JST system for you; or you can get them on the JST website and have them sent to KU. (Air Force – you will need to request your CCAF and/or Air University transcript).
    • Visit KU CredTran to see how JST/CCAF courses have historically transferred. For JST or by MOS, select the state, "District of Columbia." For CCAF/Air University, select "Alabama."
    • Visit the KU credit transfer page to learn more.
  • You may be eligible for foreign language proficiency credits, credit from CLEP exams, and/or credit for high school work: Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate (regardless of when you graduated high school). Visit the Credit and Exemption for High School Work page to learn more.
  • Once admitted, freshmen/new students: Learn more about next steps for freshmen, including signing up for orientation and enrolling in classes.
  • Once admitted, transfer students: Once you're admitted to KU, expect a call from a KU Navigator who will help you get set up and connect you with an advisor. Learn more about next steps for transfer students.
Graduate students

Start with your Education Service Officer/counselor prior to enrolling to determine eligibility. Not sure who that is? Talk with your NCO or

  • Kansas Guard members: contact the Kansas National Guard ESO
  • If you're using federal TA, your Ed Center/Ed Service Officer contact info should be in your federal TA account/portal
Steps to using tuition assistance
  • Steps to using GI Bill benefits at KU. Includes information on
    • Ch. 1606 - Montgomery GI Bill - Select Reserve
    • Ch. 30 - Montgomery GI Bill - Active Duty
    • Ch. 33 - Post 9-11 GI Bill
    • Link to WAVE for monthly enrollment verification
    • Frequently asked questions about using benefits
  • To make sure you maximize your benefits, reach out to our VetSuccess on Campus rep, Angela, who can help you identify the right major for your career interest, show you job trends/career paths and more.
  • VA Work Study – on-campus jobs in the Military-Affiliated Student Center for GI Bill users. Visit our Get Involved page to learn more. 

Learn more about/apply for in-state tuition rates per the Armed Forces Residency (AFRB) benefit for:

  • Current Reserve, Kansas National Guard, or Active Duty service members
  • Those eligible for GI Bill benefits
  • Veterans stationed in Kansas during service or were Kansas residents prior to joining the service
  • Note: The deadline to apply for AFRB is the 30th day of classes.

Yellow Ribbon Program funding is only for Post-9/11 GI Bill users NOT eligible for AFRB. Check the AFRB web page first.

Online students: Most online programs offer flat-rate tuition.

  • Use our Net Price Calculator to see a personalized picture of your costs — and what you may earn in aid.
  • Scholarships offered specifically for KU military-affiliated students and nation-wide military-affiliated scholarships
  • Other financial aid information
  • To be considered as an independent student for the FAFSA, based on veteran status, the Department of Education uses the following definition: A veteran is a former member of the Armed Forces of the United States (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard) who served on active duty and was discharged under conditions, which were other than dishonorable. There is no minimum number of days a student must have served on active duty to be considered a veteran. However, periods of active duty for training, pursuant to an enlistment in the National Guard or Reserves, do not qualify a student as a veteran. Thus former or current members of the National Guard or Reserves are not considered to be veterans unless they had prior or subsequent service with an active component of the Armed Forces. (Reservists called to active duty by Executive Order qualify as veterans.) Since the DD Form 214 is issued to those leaving the active military as well as to members of the National Guard and Reserves completing their initial active duty for training, possession of this document does not necessarily mean the student is a veteran.

    Applicants who meet the criteria of the definition should check "yes" to the vet question on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

Eligibility and administration for the Army's College Loan Repayment Program (LRP) varies by component. Details by component can be found by going to the MyArmyBenefits webpage. Basic details:

  • Soldiers must have been granted LRP eligibility when signing their initial contract
  • Student loans must meet program requirements for repayment, all of which require that a student has completed their FAFSA application
  • Repayment is provided as a minimum amount or percentage of the outstanding principle balance (varies by program)

For more information and eligibility questions, please visit the MyArmyBenefits webpage which includes contact information for the main point of contact for your component. If they refer you to your education institution, please call or email us so we can assist you further.

Programs & Resources for Students

Located in 345 Summerfield Hall, we offer dependents study and meeting spaces, computers, CAC readers, a 24-7 lounge, dedicated staff to provide support tailored to all military-affiliated students, and more. Learn more about the center.



Click here for steps for students called to Active Duty if you are

  • Called to active duty and need to withdraw from 1 or more classes OR
  • Will be activated in between semesters and will miss a fall or spring semester

Health Insurance from the Military & VA

Note: The information below is not military-related and is applicable to all KU students.

  • Students can receive some services for free or reduced rates at Watkins Health Center regardless of health insurance. Every Lawrence campus student at KU pays a wellness fee each semester as part of the mandatory campus fees. The wellness fee entitles the student to be seen by WHS providers at no charge for the office visit. However, if the provider orders lab tests, X-rays, medications, etc., there are charges for those services. Students receive a reduced rate for those charges which are very often well below the local market. This wellness fee is not the same as health insurance.
  • The spouse or domestic partner of a currently enrolled KU student is eligible for the same health care services at WHS. Check out the "Eligibility for Services" tab on WHS' web page.
  • The Kansas Board of Regents offers optional health insurance to students and their spouses/dependents. For more information or to enroll, visit United Healthcare Student Resources.

If you were called to active duty by a federal order and completed the full period for which you were called/ordered to active duty, you may be eligible for VA health care. Learn more and apply for VA health care benefits. (If you had or have active-duty status for training purposes only, you don't qualify for VA health care.)

Nearby outpatient VA clinics include :

The nearest VA Medical Centers are:


Preparing for the Next Chapter

‘‘GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). For more information, see the GI Bill Trademark terms of use."