Emergency Aid for Military-Affiliated Students

Emergency aid at KU is intended to provide a student with access to funds to help them overcome a small, one-time financial emergency that impacts student success.

Emergency aid is intended to be a last resort option after other financial options have been exhausted.

Thanks to generous donors, we have two emergency aid funds:

  • Military-Affiliated Student Emergency Fund for dependents, spouses, veterans, Guard, Reservists, active duty and ROTC
  • Spencer Duncan Make it Count Fund for veterans, Guard, Reservists, active duty and ROTC

Eligible students should indicate that they have a military affiliation on the aid application to be considered for these specific funds.

Students who apply for these funds may also be automatically considered for other available KU emergency aid funding.

Learn More/Apply

For more information and to apply, visit the Emergency Aid Network.


Emergency funds are 100% donor funded. For those interested in making a tax-deductible donation, please visit the Military-Affiliated Student Emergency Fund.