Called to active military duty and/or deployments

Need to miss a few classes during the semester because of required training?

  • University policy lists required military service as excused absences. That means a student cannot be penalized and shall receive an accommodation for completing the missed work. University excused absences apply to all course requirements, including any final examinations, quizzes, in class work, and tests other than final examinations. In cases where part of a class grade is based on attendance, a student shall not be penalized for missing class due to a university excused absence.
  1. Notify your instructors in writing as early as possible. Don't wait until the last minute. 
  2. MASC staff are available to chat with you about having discussions with your instructors, and if you have any questions or concerns. Make an appointment with one of your "Military-Affiliated Support" team members via Jayhawk GPS/EAB Navigate App, or contact us.
  3. If you are going to miss more than a couple of weeks of classes/assignments, you may want to consider a partial or full military withdrawal. Feel free to reach out to us to discuss your specific circumstances. 

Withdrawing or taking a semester off? Complete the following if:

  • Called to active duty and need to withdraw from 1 or more classes OR
  • Will be activated in between semesters and will miss a fall or spring semester
  • Currently active duty and deploying, PCSing, etc.
  1. If withdrawing during the semester, also notify your instructors in writing. Provide reasonable notice; don't wait until the last minute. Depending on the length of activation/time in the semester, some instructors may be willing to offer you an incomplete, allowing you to finish the course(s) once you return from active duty.
  2. Submit a completed active military duty request to withdraw webform (KU login required).

Graduate students: Speak with your graduate program coordinator first. 

A 100% adjustment in tuition and course fees will be made for withdrawn classes.

Partial refunds will be given when it is appropriate to award credit for some classes and not others. The MASC will contact offices (if requested) to arrange refunds for optional fees (e.g., parking permit, etc.)

Note: Refunds will not be immediately available. Refund checks will be sent to your forwarding address or that of your designated contact or representative if you don't have KU direct deposit set up.

The cancellation deadlines for your school will be used to determine whether the courses are canceled or a "W" is recorded on your transcript. These dates can be found in the Academic Calendar.

There will be no record of the reason for your cancellation or withdrawal, however, you will be able to document the date of your service via military records.

Grading/Incompletes: These decisions are made by the faculty on the basis of the work done-to-date and the rules governing the course. At your request, we will ask the University Academic Support Centers to notify your instructors of your military status and that you will be contacting them by phone or e-mail about the possibility of a grade or an incomplete in the course.

Student Housing will be contacted and informed of your intent to exit the university. Depending on individual circumstances, it is possible to arrange for a delayed check-out from your residence hall.

Refund amounts depend on how long you have lived in KU housing/how much of the dining plan you have used.

Financial Aid and Scholarships will be informed of your student status and will make adjustments according to their guidelines.

The MASC will make other contacts as requested on the active military duty request to withdraw form to assist in a quick exit from KU.

By completing this form, you can be gone up to 2 semesters before having to reapply to KU (summer semesters do not count toward the 2-semester limit). Without this form, you will need to reapply to KU after missing just 1 fall or spring semester. After being gone 2 full semesters (excluding summer), you will need to reapply to KU as a returning student

Contact the Military-Affiliated Student Center when you are ready to return to KU. We will assist you with the readmission process in any way we can.

Visit with your advisor to discuss plans for your return, i.e. retaking courses or what courses you will need to enroll in upon your return.

Graduate students: Before withdrawing, you must also communicate with your graduate program coordinator to either voluntarily withdraw from the program or take an academic leave of absence. Students returning from an approved leave of absence will be returned from leave by their department. If you did not take a leave of absence, see the permit to re-enroll policy.